Category: Duo
Cast : Nacim Battou - Julien Gros
Musical composition : Matthieu Pernaud
Duration: 45 min
Year of creation : 2020
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W e tend to believe that boredom is the inevitable starting point of creation. Before
boredom, there is the deafening noise, the movement of the world, the noise from outside which leaves very little room for ideas and new intentions.
If we are talking about our practice then we have to talk about the environment in which it is expressed. The title could be “The Clock of Boredom”.
To start from our daily practices to create is to transform our craft into art by the simple fact of moving it from the place of training to that of representation. Put our craft in perspective by (re) giving it its first space of expression, the intermittent rhythm of desperate attempts to succeed in a movement. This is what we do every day.
The idea is to create from the attempts produced by boredom to thwart the present, perhaps to make it more palpable ...